Frohes Neus Jahr 01.01.2009 12:24
Ich wünsche allen Lesern und Nutzern dieses Forums ein frohes, glückliches, erfolgreiches und lichtvolles neues Jahr 2009.
Beiträge: 113
Letzte Änderung: 16.04.2009 19:13 von Lars.
Aw: Frohes Neus Jahr 03.01.2009 17:09
Danke Lars, das wünsche ich dir auch
Aw: Frohes Neus Jahr 07.01.2009 01:03
So, here I am! Thanks Lars for your email. Man, it's been forever. Your School seems to be doing better than ever. It is my dream to come see you and Rajagopalan someday soon.
You have a child? Wow. That's really cool. I'm sure you're a awesome dad. Sorry my German is so bad that I don't think even I would understand myself if I tried writting in it. Oh well. It's been around 10 years. I've been taking care of my Grandmother in Utah. I travel with my VW bus into the desert, ride a mountain bike, and am concentrating on my spiritual growth.
I want you to know that I apreciate everything you did for me back in the good ol days. You're the reason I took spirituality so seriously. Thanks for that.
Well, I'll look on here more often and see about when I can get out there.
Take it easy, KC
Aw: Frohes Neus Jahr 07.01.2009 09:30
Hallo KC
Schön von dir zu hören das du immer noch auf dem Weg bist nach all den Jahren.
Versuch doch mal dein Deutsch zu reaktivieren für dieses Forum da die meisten Nutzer aus Deutschland kommen.
Beiträge: 113